Vero Scrapbook Store

We proudly carry the
most current items
from some of the
most popular vendors:

crate paper

Webster's pages


theresa collins

Bo Bunny

pink Paiselle

Kaiser craft

fancy pants

little yellow bicycle

graphic 45

and many more

National Scrapbook Holiday Crop

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Friday, February 7th, 2025
 Happy National Scrapbook Day
 May 2, 2009
 This is what greeted all the lucky scrappers
 Barbara and Janice enjoying a moment together
 what a great crowd - we all had so much fun

 All the ladies hard at work, looking forward to the "ringing of the bell"

 Trish and Diane putting some finishing touches on a page
 Pat , Lisa, Tenesha, Diane, Tish, Carol,  Karman and Dana T.
 Our new friend from California - Kellie
 The Pink Ladies: Pat, Tenesha and Lisa
 Susan, Debbie, Shannon, Aida, Pat and Colette
 Barbara, Paula B, Tammy and Carrie (AKA the sister-in-law)
 Barbara P. and MaryJo
 Aida and Colette checking out some of Pat's work
 Tiffany and Crystal enjoy a good puzzle
 Gilda and Rochelle - this is what concentration looks like
 Keeping it in the family - Pat and Matries each win a great prize
 Barbara handing Karyn her new Xyron - what a great prize
Can you tell Pat is happy about winning the Big Bite? Aida loves her organizer
 Diane is showing off her great prize
 Irene left Barbara this sweet message on the tablecloth

 I think this pretty much sums up how everybody felt by the end of the day

Vero Scrapbook
1271 Hometown Drive

Vero Beach, FL 32966

The leading scrapbook supplier of the Teasure Coast in Indian River County