Vero Scrapbook Store

We proudly carry the
most current items
from some of the
most popular vendors:

crate paper

Webster's pages


theresa collins

Bo Bunny

pink Paiselle

Kaiser craft

fancy pants

little yellow bicycle

graphic 45

and many more

Crop Pictures

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Friday, February 7th, 2025
To see more recent pictures please visit us on facebook.

  • To commemorate the opening of The Vero Scrapbook Store, we had a crop with over 20 people, and much fun was had by all.   Amidst the various games, the fabulous prizes, the funny stories and the yummy food, we all still managed to get quite a bit of scrapping done!! That is no small feat!! Take a quick look at our pictures click here so that you can see what a great time everyone had. 
  • The Vero Beach Salvation Army had a wonderful "Easter Egg Hunt" themed Crop on April 4.  As usual the ladies of the Salvation Army were warm and welcoming and everyone enjoyed themselves very much. We at the Vero Beach Scrapbook Store sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt.  When is an Easter Egg Hunt not just about candy; when its about scrapbooking goodies.  During a break from scrapbooking and merrymaking all the ladies spilled out onto the Salvation Army yard and hunted for scrapbook treasure filled Easter Eggs.  There were many wonderful surprises hidden inside these special eggs including cat's eyes, brads, flowers, notions and all sorts of trinkets.  We also enjoyed a wonderful afternoon  of delicious food, fun games, much laughter and joy. Click here to see all the treasured memories we made with old friends and new.
  • May 2,  marked the National Scrapbook Holiday and we at the Vero Scrapbook Store certainly celebrated in style.  We had a great turn out of 36 people and everybody had a blast.  The store was having some great sales going on as well, such as My Mind's Eye Penny Lane collection at 30% off, our already affordable sale items were further reduced and there were many other great bargains to be had.  All the ladies were greeted with a life renewing cup of coffe and the Making Memories Desktop Organizer Click here to see the ingenious way  one of our croppers, Irene Testa, decorated her Organizer; isn't it adorable?   To say everybody was happy would be an understatement, later we played some great games and over 35 prizes were given out.  Lunch was delicious sandwiches from Penny Hill and dinner was a full chinese meal that each person got to choose from a menu; of course there were snacks and various drinks served throughout the day. Many people opted to take advantage of the great offer of coming back on Sunday for another full day of cropping with breakfast served and snacks and drinks included for no additional cost.  This was a nice bonus, as many ladies stayed late into the night and appreciated not having to pack up before going home to rest, although many of us were back in the store happily cropping by 9:00 am.  Click here to see some pictures of all the fun.
  • June 13,  - what a wonderful time was had by all at our Luau Crop.  Everybody really came through by sporting their tropical apparel and made this an extra special day for us all. The Vero Scrapbook Store was all decked out in its Hawaiian finery, all the scrappers were greeted with coconut themed name tags, individual flower rings and of course everyone got "leighed!!!"  We got right to work and started giving out prizes straight away.  The prize theme for the day was "border punches" and many were given out - they were a big hit.  We took a break for lunch to enjoy a delicious chicken Cesar salad followed by scrumptious fruit salad served in individual "coconuts." Many of the scrappers took advantage and copied from the wide assortment of layout ideas hanging on our walls, others created beautiful pages/layouts/projects which we all admired. Dinner was a delicious pulled pork entree with bread, corn on the cob and a "jumbomungous" (its a word, I promise) baked potato followed by a generous portion of Heather's birthday cake.  We surprised heather with a "luau" themed birthday cake to commemorate her special day. All 31 (yeah 31) scrappers had a great time (most are signed up for ALL of this year's upcoming crops). Click here to see pictures of all the fun we had.
  • July 11, - "Oldies but Goodies" was our theme and we celebrated with some of the best music eras of all time. "Wolfgang Jack" will be spun the tunes while we all enjoyed yummy food, good friends and hours of scrapbooking fun. Upon entering every one received their own "personalized" 45" record - so cute with each person's picture and lots of adorable ribbon. Many of the ladies came in full 1950 regalia and ready to party and.  There were ponytails, poodle skirts and saddle shoes galore.  We also celebrated our "Lucy's" birthday with a cake and a presentation of an 8x8 album full of personalized pages made just for our dear friend.  As always there were prizes every hour - we have all come to love the sound of Barbara's bell, it always means we will be getting some goodies. We all had so much fun - as usual it was a full house and everyone enjoyed themselves very much - of course we are all ready to do it again next month.  Click here to see some pictures of all the fun we had.
  • August 8,  - Beach Blanket Bingo Crop - What a great way to escape from the dog days of summer.. a funfilled crop with friends.  Summer waves, flip-flops and straw hats were in order and the ladies came to play.  As always the decorations were beautiful, the food spectacular and the prizes impressive.  Everyone enjoyed a great time although some mentioned the missing sister-in-law with longing (OK - the sister-in-law herself just wrote that wistfully).  There were many special things about this crop.  We had lots of new faces at the Vero Scrapbook Store such as Fredda, Jhing, and Donna to name a few, and while not a new face exactly we were able to welcome Elsie back to our little gatherings after an extended hiatus.  Mother/daughters were the underlying theme of the day as we had Pat and her daughter Matries, and for the first time among us we all finally got to meet Marty's lovely daughter Tina; who traveled all the way from Virginia to be with us.  While Marty is always happy at our crops, this day she just could not keep the smile off her face as she shared this special day with her daughter.  We made many memories, made some new friends, ate lots of yummy food and knew as we said our good-byes that we are all going to do it again next month.  Of course we had to have a moment of silence for the missing sister-in-law. Click here to see some pictures of all the fun we had.
  • August 22,  - Sister Beach Crop - Well our second trip to the beach was as much as our first.  We were all sporting our beach bound finery and Paula M. even came prepared with a beach ball, a beach towel and a pair of silly goggles that some of us couldn't resist modeling (there is photographic documentation of our silliness).  All were all welcomed by a big pot of freshly brewed coffee and a smile, later we all partook of a wonderully delicious Chinese food lunch which each person was able to choose from among many selections.  As always, Barbara's famous bell was alive and well and many fabulous prizes were given out.  The featured prize of the day was the Heidi Swapp Purse Clip which as practical as it is adoralbe.  We were all lucky enough to also be able to share Pam's birthday with her, Pam's sister Paula M. brought a cake for her which we didn't hesitate to share. Click here to see the fun we had.
  • September 12,  - Back to School Crop The Vero Scrapbook Store Academy was in session and much fun was had by all.  Our children have all been nestled comfortably in their classrooms for over a month, and we decided it was time for us to go back to school as well.  While some of the students were behaving less stellarly than others, we all had a great time. When we were finally dismissed for lunch we all enjoyed a delicious meal.  Never has Barbara's bell been more appropriately used (and more often) than during our back to school crop.  Many prizes were given out and everybody love them.  Even some of the poorly behaved kiddies, who were forced to sport a dunce cap had a good time, Miss. Barbara gave out a few gold stars for excellent behavior, but overall this was a pretty rambunctious class. Click here to see the pictures of all our wacky fun.
  • October 10,  - Everyone had a frightfully good time at the Halloween crop in the Vero Scrapbook Store.  There were witches, kittens, bunnies and all sorts of little creatures wandering around.  We had the pleasure of some new faces and the joy of famililar ones.  As always, the food was delicious and plentiful, the prizes impressive and the mayhem pretty much continuous.  Whoever said Halloween is mainly for children, obviously never spent a day with us.  click here to see all the fun we had

Vero Scrapbook
1271 Hometown Drive

Vero Beach, FL 32966

The leading scrapbook supplier of the Teasure Coast in Indian River County